Milongas this week :)
Our regular Milonga will be held this Thursday 14th May from 9pm onwards at Il-Forn, Birgu with a one-hour practica preceding it (8PM - 9PM). Dancers of all levels are encouraged to attend the practica - Nathalie and Gordon will be there to answer any questions you have during the practica.
For those who are not satisfied with dancing only once a week, Isla del Tango is holding a Milonga on Saturday, 16th May, at St. James Cavalier, Valletta, from 9.30pm onwards. Music will be provided by DJ WALDO. There is no entrance fee, but you are asked to bring some drink, cakes or snacks so that we can dance and party till late. (if you have any questions about this event pls email Aldo - aldo@isladeltango.com)
Classes this week:
Beginners Level 2 (7.30pm - 9.00pm)
Intermediate (9pm - 10.30pm)
Both classes are held at the Common Room at the University
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