Our next Milonga del Sur will be on Tuesday 4th August at Il-Forn, Birgu from 9pm onwards.
Remember that tomorrow (Sat 1st Aug) David is organising a BBQ - I am attaching a map of where it is. We will be there from 7pm onwards - bring your own food and drinks. And if you haven't, don't forget to email David to RSVP - dbugeja@gmail.com - Everyone is welcome!
On Friday 7th Aug, Henri and Dorothy are organising yet another Milonga! So keep the evening free (more details out later)
On Saturday 8th Aug, Nathalie is hosting a Practica at the University common room from 6pm onwards.
And those intermediates who will be missing having lessons during August, Nathalie is holding for the first time Tango Creativo - Come and polish up your ocho cortado, giro and other elements that you have learnt and explore the creative ways in which you can use these elements.
And finally a big thanks to all of you who have been supporting our activities and creating such a vibrant tango scene. Remember to spread the word to all your friends - Next beginners course (Primeros Pasos) will be starting in September, so help us recruit new tangueros/as and spread the fun!
Nathalie's tango scene
Nathalie Mifsud
| nathalie@tangomalta.org
| +35679287755
VENUE: Numero Dos, Triq il-Mastrudaxxa, MOSTA (Qasam Industrijali)
VENUE: Numero Dos, Triq il-Mastrudaxxa, MOSTA (Qasam Industrijali)
- 8.00pm: Intermedios / Avanzados. With partners.
- 8.00pm: Principiantes / Early Intermedios
- 7.30pm: Primeros Pasos – Tango for complete beginners.
- 9.00pm: Milonga (milongas are held regularly but double-check with the calendar on the right)
Nathalie is available by appointment for individual or small group
private lessons
of all levels, and for
wedding dance preparation.
Write to nathalie@tangomalta.org or phone on 79287755.
Jul 31, 2009
Jul 25, 2009
Social Event - BBQ
David is organising a BBQ for all the Tango lovers and friends. This will be a nice opportunity to have some time to socialise together. Details are as follows:
Date: Saturday, 1st August
Time: 7pm onwards
Venue: Bajja tal Qortin ( the road before Armier, with a sign saying Ramla Bay Hotel)
Food and drinks: everyone brings own food
BBQ sets: At least 3 sets are needed
Charcoal: At least 6 bags of Charcoal
Date: Saturday, 1st August
Time: 7pm onwards
Venue: Bajja tal Qortin ( the road before Armier, with a sign saying Ramla Bay Hotel)
Food and drinks: everyone brings own food
BBQ sets: At least 3 sets are needed
Charcoal: At least 6 bags of Charcoal
Portable Light: If you have one bring it over
Chef: David Bugeja volunteered (any help is greatly appreciated)
Please confirm your attendance by sending an email to David Bugeja on email dbugeja@gmail.com
For those who are going to bring BBQ sets, charcoal or portable light please indicate this in the email.
David and TangoMalta are looking forward to share this summer event with you.
30th July 2009: Milonga al Mar de Marsamxette
Our friends, Henri & Dorothy (Scicluna), have taken the initiative to organise a Milonga for us next week on Thursday 30th July. Following at the details:
Milonga al Mar de Marsamxette
Place: Zmerc, Marsamxette Valletta
Time: 9pm onwards
For further details email us.
Milonga al Mar de Marsamxette
Place: Zmerc, Marsamxette Valletta
Time: 9pm onwards
For further details email us.
Jul 19, 2009
21st July 2009: Milonga del Sur
This coming Tuesday: Tango Malta's regular Milonga del Sur will be held at Il-Forn, Birgu, from 8.30pm onwards.
Jul 9, 2009
14th July 2009: Milonga del Sur
Argentine Tango - Milonga del Sur organised by Tango Malta. Tuesday 14th July at Il-Forn Art Gallery and Wine Bar, Birgu, from 9pm onwards, with a one-hour practica from 8pm. Open to all levels.
Jul 3, 2009
7th July 2009: Milonga del Sur
Our next milonga will be held on Tuesday 7th July 2009 at Il-Forn Art Gallery and Wine Bar, Birgu, from 9pm onwards. The Milonga is preceeded by an assisted practica by Nathalie and Gordon from 8pm to 9pm.
Principiantes Tango Argentino July 2009
We are holding a four session Tango course in conjunction with MUSC, building upon Primeros Pasos. The course will be taught by Nathalie Mifsud.
Course Content: Sanguichito,Ocho Cortado,Cross and Giro
Who may apply: All those that have done Primeros Pasos (beginners level 1), or have done some private sessions that covered the basic steps in tango, like walking, outside walk, side step and ochos.May I remind you that anyone intending to take intermediate courses have to be fluent in this course first, since we would not be repeating but building on it.
Time: 7.30pm – 9.00pm (pls be punctual)
Place: University Common Room
40 Euros for the 4 sessions
12 Euros for a single session
20 Euros for those who would like to repeat the course
Course Content: Sanguichito,Ocho Cortado,Cross and Giro
Who may apply: All those that have done Primeros Pasos (beginners level 1), or have done some private sessions that covered the basic steps in tango, like walking, outside walk, side step and ochos.May I remind you that anyone intending to take intermediate courses have to be fluent in this course first, since we would not be repeating but building on it.
Thursday 9 th July
Thursday 16 th July
Thursday 23 rd July
Tuesday 28 th July
Time: 7.30pm – 9.00pm (pls be punctual)
Place: University Common Room
40 Euros for the 4 sessions
12 Euros for a single session
20 Euros for those who would like to repeat the course
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