Nathalie's tango scene


  • 8.00pm: Intermedios / Avanzados. With partners.

  • 8.00pm: Principiantes / Early Intermedios

  • 7.30pm: Primeros Pasos – Tango for complete beginners.
    STARTING 16th JANUARY 2025!

  • 9.00pm: Milonga (milongas are held regularly but double-check with the calendar on the right)

Nathalie is available by appointment for individual or small group private lessons of all levels, and for wedding dance preparation. Write to or phone on 79287755.

Oct 25, 2010

November Programme (Updated)

Monday 1st November

7.30pm - 9pm : Primeros Pasos class 5
9pm - 10.30pm : Principiantes class 5
Venue: Rugby Club House, Hamrun (map)

Tuesday 2nd November
7.30pm - 9pm : Drop in class with Nathalie for Intermedios (no booking needed)
9pm - 11pm : Practica
Venue: 215, Flat 4, Swieqi Road, Swieqi (map)

Thursday 4th November
7.30pm - 8.30pm : Drop in class for Primeros and Principiantes (details)
8.30pm - 11.30pm : Milonga @ Villa Madama
Venue: Villa Madama, Balzan (map)

Monday 8th November
7.30pm - 9pm : Primeros Pasos class 1
9pm - 10.30pm : Drop in class with Nathalie for Principiantes and Intermedios (no booking needed)
Venue: 215, Flat 4, Swieqi Road, Swieqi (map)

Thursday 11th November
8.30pm - 11.30pm : Milonga @ Phoenicia
Venue: Phoenicia Hotel, Valletta (map)

Monday 15th November
7.30pm - 9pm : Primeros Pasos class 2
9pm - 11pm : Practica
Venue: St. Augustine Hall, Rabat (map)

Thursday 18th November
7.30pm - 8.30pm : Drop in class for Primeros and Principiantes (details)
8.30pm - 11.30pm : Milonga @ Villa Madama
Venue: Villa Madama, Balzan (map)

Monday 22th November
7.30pm - 9pm : Primeros Pasos class 3
9pm - 11pm : Practica
Venue: St. Augustine Hall, Rabat (map)

Wednesday 24th - Saturday 27th November : Workshop with Jelena and Dominik
Wednesday 24th Nov: 21.00 - Opening Milonga
Thursday 25th Nov: Class A1: 19.15 - 20.45 | Class B1: 21.00 - 22.30
Friday 26th Nov: Class A2: 19.15 - 20.45 | Class B2: 21.00 - 22.30
Sat 27th Nov: Class A3: 12.00 - 13.30 | Class B3: 13.45 - 15.15 | 21.00 - Closing Milonga
Venue: Cavalieri Hotel, St. Julians (map)
For more details and to book see this page or contact Claudia

Monday 29th November
7.30pm - 9pm : Primeros Pasos class 4
9pm - 11pm : Practica
Venue: St. Augustine Hall, Rabat (map)

Tuesday 30th November
Surprise by Claudia and Gordon
to be announced

Oct 24, 2010

Introductory Course - November 2010

Tango Argentino - Primeros Pasos
(introductory course for complete beginners)
taught by Nathalie Mifsud

Argentine tango is a beautiful dance and it has attracted the attention of most major cities in the world. Even here in Malta we have a group of tango enthusiasts who are only too happy to pass on their knowledge of this addictive dance.

Monday 8th November 2010
Monday 15th November 2010
Monday 22nd November 2010
Monday 29th November 2010
Monday 6th December 2010

Location: Rugby Club House, Hamrun (Map here) - to be confirmed

Time: 7.30pm

€50 per person / €35 for full-time students & senior citizens.
€25 for those that would like to repeat the course.

Apart from these lessons, we also meet every week for our regular Milonga (the social event where Tango is danced), and other activities.

Please confirm your attendance by email to stating your full name and mobile number (in case I need to contact you urgently) and all details of any accompanying friends.

Dress: What you want, normally, casual.
Shoes: Followers (usually women) are advised to wear well supported shoes with some heel - no flipflops please. Leaders (usually men) are advised to wear round toed shoes or gym shoes. Long pointed shoes make life difficult.

Dance partner: No need for a fixed partner.

IMPORTANT: Payment can be effected on the first lesson. Please arrive a little earlier. NO refunds will be issued for missed classes, unless informed at the beginning of the course.

Gift Vouchers:
A €10 discount voucher will be given for Tango shoes from Locatelli Tango Shoes.
Please remember that you can always give a Tango course as a gift to a loved one or a dear friend.

For further information and/or booking please contact Nathalie on, or phone 7928 7755 / 2145 6408.

Oct 15, 2010

'Pre-Milonga' Drop In Classes for Primeros and Principiantes

Starting from November, milongas at Villa Madama will be preceeded by an 1 hour class for Primeros and Principiantes.

As you all know, there are hundreds of followers in the 7.30pm class and hundreds of leaders in the 9pm class, and my store cupboards are going through a famine of helpers.
By joining forces you should be balanced.
It will help you to mix with others.
You can encourage each other to help out in each others classes.
You will learn more and it is cheap. Price 5 euros includes milonga fee.
You will break the ice for the milonga.
Subjects to be discussed/worked on are getting familiar with the milonga customs, musicality and playful elements while dancing.

Time: 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Dates and venue: milongas at Villa Madama
Price: 5 euros - includes milonga fee

Workshop with Jelena and Dominik (from Switzerland)

Tango Malta is organising a farewell workshop for Gordon and Claudia before leaving to Buenos Aires. The special guests for this workshop are Jelena Ivanovic (who was in Malta last year and gave a wonderful tecnica class) and her partner Dominik Muller. They plan to work on dance elements through Tango, Milonga and Vals.

Workshop Programme:

Wednesday 24th November
21.00 - Opening Milonga

Thursday 25th November
Class A1: 19.15 - 20.45
Class B1: 21.00 - 22.30

Friday 26th November
Class A2: 19.15 - 20.45
Class B2: 21.00 - 22.30

Saturday 27th November
Class A3: 12.00 - 13.30
Class B3: 13.45 - 15.15

21.00 - Closing Milonga

We are also planning on some other surprises - further news will be given out later ;)

Price scheme:

Early bird payment (before 7th November 2010):
Workshop A or B (3 classes): €55
Workshop A + B (6 classes for those tango addicts!): €75

Late bird payment (8th November 2010 onwards):
Workshop A or B (3 classes): €70
Workshop A + B (6 classes): €100


Location: Cavalieri Hotel, St. Julians

Booking Policy: Bookings will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment. Cancellations are only allowed until the 15th November, after which no refunds will be given.

Advice: We encourage those taking primeros pasos and principiantes to take workshop A. For those taking Intermedios, as always you can benefit from all workshops since refinement in Tango is an important aspect of the dance. However, workshop B will definitely be aimed at your level. If you are not sure which workshop/s is best, you can always consult with Gordon or Claudia who will be able to guide you accordingly.

What next: For preliminary reservations email Claudia who will then guide you with the rest of the process.

For those coming from abroad, the Cavalieri Hotel is offering very favourable rates, starting from €150 per person for both workshop and accommodation for 4-nights! An offer not to be missed! - please contact Claudia for full details.

Oct 14, 2010

14th October 2010: Milonga @ Phoenicia

The Phoenicia Hotel in Valletta will be hosting our Milonga on Thursday 14th October, from 8.30pm onwards. Tango music will be provided by DJ G. You may email your music requests to Entrance is €3. If you need more info email Nathalie or phone +356 7928 7755.

Oct 8, 2010

28th October 2010: Milonga @ Phoenicia

The Phoenicia Hotel in Valletta will be hosting our Milonga on Thursday 28th October, from 8.30pm onwards. Tango music will be provided by DJ d net. Entrance is €3. If you need more info email Nathalie or phone +356 7928 7755.

Oct 1, 2010

7th October 2010: Milonga @ Villa Madama

The Wine Gardens at Villa Madama, Balzan will be hosting our Milonga on Thursday 7th, from 8.30pm onwards. Tango music will be provided by DJ G. You may email your music requests to
Entrance is €3.
If you need more info email Jelena or phone (after 5pm please) +356 99870398.
NOTE: Kitchen is open till 1am with the usual platters and small snacks at affordable prices.