Nathalie's tango scene


  • 8.00pm: Intermedios / Avanzados. With partners.

  • 8.00pm: Principiantes / Early Intermedios

  • 7.30pm: Primeros Pasos – Tango for complete beginners.
    STARTING 16th JANUARY 2025!

  • 9.00pm: Milonga (milongas are held regularly but double-check with the calendar on the right)

Nathalie is available by appointment for individual or small group private lessons of all levels, and for wedding dance preparation. Write to or phone on 79287755.

Jan 7, 2013

Argentine Tango course for complete beginners - starting 13th January

Argentine Tango - Primeros Pasos

taught by Nathalie Mifsud

In this course you will learn the foundations of tango with technique through some fun elements. The course system is wisely chosen so that you may be able to dance anywhere in the world.

DANCE PARTNER: NO need to apply with a partner.

Day : Sunday... starting 13th January x 5 Sundays

Time: 6.30pm - 8.00pm
62, St Christopher street,
 Valletta ( going towards the bottom of Valletta, it is left to Republic street)

PRICE for the full course of 7.5 hours: €50 per person / €35 for full-time students & senior citizens.

(Students that intend to continue tango may profit from a 90 euro card for 10 classes. People that have already done this course and would like to refine their basics yet continue may use this card to attend all classes on the day at the price of 9 euros in total. Students that would only like to repeat may pay 25 euros for the course )

Please confirm your attendance by email to stating your full name and mobile number (in case I need to contact you urgently) and all details of any accompanying friends.

Other information..

DRESS: What you want, normally, casual.

SHOES: Followers (usually women) are advised to wear well supported shoes with some heel.  Leaders (usually men) are advised to wear round toed shoes or gym shoes.
NO long pointed shoes, they make life difficult.

IMPORTANT: Payment can be effected on the first lesson. NO refunds will be issued for missed classes, unless informed at the beginning of the course.

1 comment :

  1. i love to learn this dance ..! but i cant come there..! :(


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