Nathalie's tango scene


  • 8.00pm: Intermedios / Avanzados. With partners.

  • 8.00pm: Principiantes / Early Intermedios

  • 7.30pm: Primeros Pasos – Tango for complete beginners.
    STARTING 16th JANUARY 2025!

  • 9.00pm: Milonga (milongas are held regularly but double-check with the calendar on the right)

Nathalie is available by appointment for individual or small group private lessons of all levels, and for wedding dance preparation. Write to or phone on 79287755.

Jul 15, 2019

19th July Milonga and workshop

Friday milonga with workshop
Workshop by Angelo Grimaldi @ 8pm
We are celebrating leaders. The workshop is for leaders posture balance flexibility
Then if you attend the workshop and the milonga you have a free drink.
Angelo is also DJ for that night (we are working him hard :))
Entrance workshop plus milonga 11
milonga is 5 euro as usual
Milonga starts at 9 pm till 12.00
see you

Jul 8, 2019

8th July classes

Lesson day:
New discovery about the paso basico. So here comes paso basico for the Principiantes class, for the improvers we make it a little more complex and a possible workshop for the advanced students at a later stage :)
For Intermedios, one of my dear students requested ganchos and so we do a complex gancho hej

See you tonight